How To Make Shoga gayu ( Okayu with ginger )

How To Make Shoga gayu ( Okayu with ginger )
Puramoz Shared - Shoga gayu (okayu with ginger)
Lets begin with looking for ingredients.
Ingredients for two servings:
  • 1/2 cup Japanese rice
  • 3 cups water
  • salt
  • some chopped green onion negi
  • ginger finely cut
  • a half of a boneless chicken breast, boiled, cut in small cubes
First, put the rice, washed and drained, in cold water in a deep pot and leave it for 30 minutes. After, put the pot on medium fire and bring to a boil. Then lower the fire and leave to boil for approx. 30 minutes, until the rice is cooked.
Before serving add salt, ginger, the chicken cubes and sprinkle the chopped onion on top.
Of course, there are many other possibilities, the water can be replaced with miso soup or with chicken stock, you can add eggs, salmon and for toppings you can use sesame seeds andumeboshi.
Bon appetite.
Lets make a Okayu
How To Make Shoga gayu ( Okayu with ginger ) | puramuzo | 5

1 komentar:

CLL mengatakan...

waduh harus buka kamus lagi nih gan puramoz -_- ,,, hihihi maklum orang ndeso ,, hehe ,, trims infonya gan , :D