Travel, Beach List in Pacitan Jawa Timur

Travel, Beach List in Pacitan Jawa Timur
Travel, Beach List in Pacitan Jawa Timur.
Indonesia beach is all to much, this district is one of a lot of Indonesia District who have a beach.
You can find beautiful beach at Pacitan. 
Lets see, what beach we can find at Pacitan.
Beach List in Pacitan jawa Timur. Travel Place List In Pacitan Jawa Timur Indonesia.

No. Nama Objek Alamat Jenis Objek Keunggulan
1. Pantai Teleng Ria Kota Pacitan Beach Pasir putih, Kolam Renang, Ombak besar, arena surfing, Pemancingan, Arena Bermain, TPI, panorama
2. Pantai Srau Kec Pringkuku Beach Panorama, pemancingan, pasir putih
3. Pantai Klayar Kec Donorojo Beach Pasir putih, panorama, batu karang, Air Mancur
4. Pantai Sidomulyo Kec Ngadirojo Beach Pasir putih, panorama
5. Goa Gong Kec Punung Wisata Goa Panorama, stalagnit stalagmite
6. Goa Tabuhan Kec Punung Wisata Goa Panorama, gamelan batu
7. Air Hangat Kec Arjosari Wisata Rekreasi Panorama, kesehatan dan kebugaran
8. Monumen JSU Kec Nawangan Wisata Sejarah Panorama, Pengetahuan Sejarah
9. Upacara Ceprotan Kec Donorojo Wisata Budaya Hiburan, Kesenian daerah
10. Tumpakrinjing Kec Pacitan Wisata Sejarah Pengetahuan Sejarah
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Strategi pencapaian

The implementation of regional autonomy with the bottom-up policy that gives freedom to the region has great potential for both areas of Natural Resources and management concepts to advance and develop. Similarly, we can see that Pacitan so rich in its natural resources potential. One who worked in the construction sector Pacitan, the mining sector, has 11 kinds of minerals that actually this is also a great potential if it is able to manage it. Mine bentonite, feldspar, calcite, piropilit, Marble, Zeolite, igneous, Ball Clay, Sirtu, Limestone, and gold becomes a potential sector to generate revenue. And most of the potential mining are owned Pacitan Rural areas, such as gold mines located in Ngadirojo and Tulakan. There are several strategies for achieving a strategic nature which is currently allowed to be done in the context of development in the district Pacitan. There are, some Beach List and travel List in Pacitan Jawa Timur Indonesia. Travel, Beach List in Pacitan Jawa Timur
Travel, Beach List in Pacitan Jawa Timur | puramuzo | 5

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